• Black Star Fund LLLP Book Media Library

    From the Exquisite Conglomerate Communications Portfolio
  • In the book, the author, Garland L. McLaughlin, demonstrates the usage of practical application tools that have driven successful modern marketing campaigns online and offline.

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  • In this, not too distant future military, political, and economic circumstances collide, and the collisions will be intentional. Traveling Along The Border Lines Of Innovation provides a sci-fi parallel perspective on obtaining life solutions.

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  • This latest novel VETAKIA strives to continue to create history and pathways for African Americans to continue creating history in the future.
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  • Pure Pleasure a collection of erotica interludes, is a very descriptive and exciting book that keeps the attention of the audience. Pure Pleasure is a highly erotic book only suited for mature audiences 18 years of age or older.

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  • Mock-Up Test is a novel that takes readers through the tortuous phases of how Morpheus “Cash” Blitz comes up with the correct solutions at the correct times. Throughout the mock-up testing phases of a project that Morpheus is involved in he displays an in-your-face consulting and project management style.

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  • Christopher Blake is a budding young talented computation programmer and sociology specialist with talents for coordinating communication. Throughout his college years and early professional career Christopher always passed the basic tests that result in getting the right people to pay attention. Advertising, media, and various forms of digital technology applications converted ordinary people into a following that tipped the balances of political and economic power.

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